My hero academy videos
My hero academy videos

Even the mere idea that someone would do something like that entirely selflessly is dismissed by him almost immediately in favor of the assumption that Deku must have had an ulterior motive. Iida in this version has fully bought into the idea that heroism is about fame rather than saving people and thus literally cannot comprehend why Deku would throw away his chance to be accepted into UA just so he can save Uraraka.Also Nezu is apparently a pedophile since All Might blackmailed Nezu with something to that effect.They even chant "eat shit!" as they watch Midoriya almost fall to his death.

my hero academy videos

  • The entire UA staff actually takes bets on how many students will die in this year's entrance exams.
  • Whereas she is kind and the Cool Big Sis to Nejire in canon, here a report says she got swept up in a Renaissance Faire and ended up immolating several guests before fleeing with the "princess".
  • Revealed in a Freeze-Frame Bonus during a news story, Ryukyu.
  • Downplayed with Inko she's just as nice and dedicated a parent, but her terrible love life has left her a temperamental and stressed-out nervous wreck with a great deal of anger towards the male gender.
  • One such example is saying he's always got Deku's back before a sudden cut into him yelling "Kick (Deku) in the back!"
  • Bakugou is even worse than his canon self in the first episode.
  • His big speech to Midoriya before the climax is about how the hero industry cares little about actual heroism and is more focused on making a profit.

    my hero academy videos

    He still has all of the canonical health problems, which adds even more trauma to him. For All-Might, even with all the work he's done, the public doesn't remotely care for All-Might anymore.For Deku, his father is a deadbeat musician and his mother is a depressed alcoholic and he's more a messed up kid than in canon.Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Both Deku and All-Might are hit with this in the first episode.If you listen closely, some of the citizens have (admittedly exaggerated) Minnesotan accents.In his real, crippled form he has a rough and gruff Brooklyn accent. In his superpowered form, he has a posh, fancy Transatlantic accent. My Hero Academia Abridged provides examples of:

    My hero academy videos